Month: December 2019

What does being a trustee entail?

Perhaps you have been asked to be a trustee or you are considering setting up a trust yourself. In either case, there are a few things you should know before deciding. Being a trustee requires a certain level of involvement. This blog post should hopefully give an insight into what is involved. What does a

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What happens to my pension on divorce?

Divorce is one of the most difficult subjects to talk about. The emotional upheaval of divorce can be difficult to deal with. So too can the financial implications. When relationships end, there are so many things to consider. Children, home, and support are the first things you focus on. When you begin the process of

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What is the importance of goals?

Getting the most out of life can be like climbing a mountain. The goal is to reach the peak and hoist up your flag. The journey will be challenging, so you need to be passionate about it. Most financial plans involve investing and markets always have difficult periods. It is essential to have something to

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Is investing risky?

Over time, those who have invested money into the world equity markets have generally done best. However, investing our hard-earned money, and the risks involved, can make any of us feel nervous. Any decision you make involves risks. The decision to invest is no different. Whatever you invest will go down in value as well

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