

What is factor investing?

Factor investing is a specific way to approach investing. This approach targets specific drivers of returns across asset classes and can help improve returns and enhance diversification. How does factor investing differ from traditional investing? When looking at investing styles, there are two ends of the spectrum. At one end, you have purely active managers.

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Should I look at topping up my State Pension?

Voluntary National Insurance contributions can help ensure you have enough qualifying years to get the full State Pension. If you have gaps in your record, you might be able to make voluntary contributions to fill them. In the past, you have only been able to fill the last six tax years. However, when the Government

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What can I do to close the gender pension gap?

New research [1] has exposed the staggering impact of the gender pension gap.  The study shows that women have smaller pension pot sizes in every age bracket, and the situation worsens the closer retirement gets. Worryingly, women, on average, retire with less than half the income of men. Reduction in amounts paid into pensions  The amount

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5 financial aspects to consider when divorcing

From 6 April 2022, no-fault divorce came into effect in England and Wales. No-fault divorce is a long-awaited revolution in family law, finally removing the need for blame as a basis for divorce. The result is that the only ground for divorce is that the marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down’. No one enters into a

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