

Can I get tax relief for working from home?

Employers can pay employees up to a maximum of £6 per week tax-free, to cover additional costs they may have incurred because of working from home. Where employers have not paid their employees the home expenses payment, individuals can claim this tax relief through a new online portal. More than 54,800 claims have been made

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What is financial wellbeing?

I have always been passionate about helping people feel more financially confident and achieve financial security. What this can be boiled down to is increasing financial wellbeing. The Financial Wellbeing Book, published in 2016, laid out five parts to financial wellbeing: A clear path to identifiable objectives Control of daily finances Ability to cope with

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How could the US Election affect my portfolio?

Many investors are worried about the US election’s effect on the stock market. One school of thought is a Biden victory could lead to measures that would hit businesses. Another asserts the stock market prefers Republican victories. What does the data say? The logic of efficient markets is that anticipated events do not impact prices.

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Is pensions tax relief safe for now?

The Government has rejected the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)’s proposal that HMRC should evaluate pensions tax relief. The concern was HRMC did not understand the impact of some of the UK’s largest tax reliefs which includes pension tax relief. The committee called for a formal review, but the Government disagreed. They pointed to several recent consultations

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How could COVID affect my planned retirement?

The Institute for Fiscal Studies the effect of the pandemic on those nearing the end of their working lives. In a new Briefing Note, the IFS investigated how workers aged 50 and over have reacted to the pandemic. This has included how their retirement plans have already been affected by the crisis. What were the findings?

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When should I start planning my retirement?

The Money & Pensions Service (MaPS) has undertaken some research among people aged 50-70 with some pension savings besides the State Pension. The results make disturbing reading: 37% of over 50s are leaving their retirement financial planning until their final two years before retirement or won’t prepare at all 35% of retirees said they left financial

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