About Nicholas Grogan

Posts by Nicholas Grogan

Could we have a wealth tax in the UK?

It is no secret the Government debt has reached epic levels. With interest rates being as low as they are, it is accepted that servicing the debt may not be as challenging as the size of the debt would (superficially at least) indicate. Low to negative yield Government Bonds (Gilts) are being bought by the

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What is Level Term Life cover?

Level term assurance policies have a known level of cover that will be paid out in the event of death within a known period of time. Premiums remain level throughout and should you survive the policy term, there will be no benefit. As this type of contract only provides cover in the event of death

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What is the basis of good financial planning?

First-principles thinking helps reverse-engineer complicated problems. The idea is to break something down to its base elements. We can then reassemble them from the ground up. This approach was used by the philosopher Aristotle. Elon Musk and Charlie Munger are among those who use it now. It allows them to cut through the fog of

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Is the State Pension triple lock under threat?

A report on the front page of Wednesday’s Financial Times has added weight to the possibility. It has highlighted a quirk of the calculation which could cost the Government dearly if no changes are made. To understand why we need to understand the fundamentals of the Triple Lock. The increase each April is the greater

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Could we soon see negative interest rates?

Something happened yesterday which has never happened before. The Debt Management Office (DMO), the Treasury arm charged with the task of selling government debt, sold £3.8bn worth of gilts at a negative yield. The stock concerned was 0¾% Treasury 2023 and the average yield was -0.003%. There was no shortage of market interest as they could have

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Glossary of financial terms

a Accumulation Units A type of fund where any income generated (dividends/savings interest) is used to purchase more units in the fund. An accumulation unit will have ‘Acc’ at the end of the fund name. This differs from Income Units. Allocation Rate The insurer may decide to allocate more or less than the contribution to

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Is gold something I should be investing in?

There is a debate about whether gold makes for a good way to protect portfolios against stock market declines or rising inflation. When I was at school the currency of the playground was premier league stickers. If you had a “shiny” you could command a higher price than the standard card. Deep down, there is

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What three questions can help me plan my retirement?

MIT AgeLab has identified three simple questions to ask yourself to gauge how prepared you are for retirement. They uncover crucial factors which may determine your future quality of life. When it comes to retirement planning, we are inclined to focus on accumulating wealth and spending it wisely. While not outliving our wealth is essential

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What is Key Person Cover?

One of the most valuable assets of a business is its staff, with business success or failure depending on them. Some of these people because of their specialised knowledge, skills or contacts, are vital to the profitability of the business. They are often referred to as ‘key persons’ as their death or incapacity could result

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How does rebalancing my portfolio help?

Watching your portfolio’s returns go up and down can be an emotionally trying experience. Rebalancing to a predetermined, diversified asset mix makes it so you do not have to worry about market instability as much. Having a suitable mix of assets in your portfolio can serve as a buffer against extreme swings in the market.

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What is a Lifetime ISA?

Lifetime ISAs aim to help people aged between 18 and 40 save for their first home or retirement. A Lifetime ISA (LISA) lets you save up to £4,000 per year. At the end of the tax year, the Government will top up your ISA with a 25% bonus. These bonuses are available on LISA contributions

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What is a personal pension?

The Government introduced personal pensions in 1988. This allowed the self-employed or employees of companies not offering a pension scheme to have a pension. They are money purchase schemes where contributions receive tax relief. Pensions underwent a radical change from 6th April 2006 with the introduction of Pensions Simplification and the March 2014 Budget announced

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What is an ISA?

Anyone, who is a taxpayer and has money to save or invest, should look at Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs). These are “wrappers” in which someone can hold a range of savings and investment products. They are free of UK income and capital gains tax by anyone aged 18 or over (16 or over for cash

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What are Junior ISAs?

Junior ISAs (JISAs) became available from November 2011. Both cash and stocks and shares JISAs are available. Children can hold one of each at a time (two accounts in total). Who is eligible? All UK resident children under the age of 18 who do not have a Child Trust Fund (CTF) are eligible for JISAs.

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How can we meet remotely?

Zoom is a video meeting app which is like skype but works on any device. All you need is a device with a camera, a screen, a microphone and speakers. This could be a laptop, tablet, or your phone. It is safe and secure. It works very well, and also allows us to share screens.

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How is the Coronavirus affecting PWS?

Further to the recent government announcements and in the interest of staff, their families, and our clients, we will have a reduced team in the office. Also, all client face to face meetings are suspended over the short term. Any staff who are not in the office will be working remotely. If you have a

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How does the 2020 Budget affect me?

It is an unbelievable 500 days since the last Budget in October 2018. The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has only been in the job a few weeks and to say the Budget will have represented a challenge for him is a massive understatement. Even more so given current world events. Budget Day started with an announcement

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What returns can I get?

The returns you can get from your money can mean different things to different people. To some, getting better returns is something to boast about. We believe returns are meaningless unless they go towards making your life better in some way. This can be being able to retire earlier or being able to help loved

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How will my money be taxed when I die?

Although often in the news, Inheritance Tax (IHT) is easy to misunderstand. If you thought IHT was for wealthy people to worry about, think again. Rising property prices have meant more estates than ever are likely to face an IHT bill. The amount of IHT collected has doubled over the last decade. If your estate

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What does being a trustee entail?

Perhaps you have been asked to be a trustee or you are considering setting up a trust yourself. In either case, there are a few things you should know before deciding. Being a trustee requires a certain level of involvement. This blog post should hopefully give an insight into what is involved. What does a

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What happens to my pension on divorce?

Divorce is one of the most difficult subjects to talk about. The emotional upheaval of divorce can be difficult to deal with. So too can the financial implications. When relationships end, there are so many things to consider. Children, home, and support are the first things you focus on. When you begin the process of

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What is the importance of goals?

Getting the most out of life can be like climbing a mountain. The goal is to reach the peak and hoist up your flag. The journey will be challenging, so you need to be passionate about it. Most financial plans involve investing and markets always have difficult periods. It is essential to have something to

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Is investing risky?

Over time, those who have invested money into the world equity markets have generally done best. However, investing our hard-earned money, and the risks involved, can make any of us feel nervous. Any decision you make involves risks. The decision to invest is no different. Whatever you invest will go down in value as well

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What can I do with my NHS Pension?

Doing the right thing with your pensions is not always easy but it has become much harder for members of the NHS pension scheme. Many have incurred tax bills through no fault of their own. Some are opting out of their pension schemes altogether to avoid tax. Giving up the lucrative benefits afforded by the

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Are you protecting what matters?

If something were to happen to you, the last thing you want is to be worrying about money. Financial planning is not just about getting what we want from life. It is also about protecting our loved ones. We do not like to think about illness and death but ignoring them can have severe consequences.

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What is financial planning?

Financial planning is key to resolving worries about money. It may be useful to think about financial planning in terms of some common concerns: Will we be able to support our current standard of living in retirement? Can we manage financially if one or both of us needs long term care? What happens to my

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